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  1. Category Neckpieces
  2. Price ₹0.00 - ₹99.99
  3. Embellishment Type None

Items 1-12 of 22

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  1. The Dainty Links - Golden Casual Neckpiece
    Express Delivery
    The Dainty Links - Golden Casual Neckpiece
    Special Price ₹98.00 Regular Price ₹399.00
  2. The Dainty Heart Neckpiece - Silver
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    The Dainty Heart Neckpiece - Silver
    Special Price ₹98.00 Regular Price ₹399.00
  3. Wrapped In The Night-Sky - Golden Neckpiece With Anti-Tarnish Coating
    Express Delivery
  4. The Beguiling Butterflies - Statement Golden Neckpiece With Anti-Tarnish Coating
    Express Delivery
  5. The Little Dainty Heart - Golden Neckpiece With Anti-Tarnish Coating
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    The Little Dainty Heart - Golden Neckpiece With Anti-Tarnish Coating
    Special Price ₹98.00 Regular Price ₹399.00
  6. Heart Of Sea- Intricate Golden Neckpiece With Anti-Tarnish Coating
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    Heart Of Sea- Intricate Golden Neckpiece With Anti-Tarnish Coating
    Special Price ₹98.00 Regular Price ₹399.00
  7. The Glamorous Golden Shell Necklace With Anti-Tarnish Coating
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    The Glamorous Golden Shell Necklace With Anti-Tarnish Coating
    Special Price ₹98.00 Regular Price ₹399.00
  8. The Dainty Elegance - Golden Neckpiece With Anti-Tarnish Coating
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    The Dainty Elegance - Golden Neckpiece With Anti-Tarnish Coating
    Special Price ₹98.00 Regular Price ₹399.00
  9. Elegance around my Neck - Silver Statement Neckpiece
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    Elegance around my Neck - Silver Statement Neckpiece
    Special Price ₹98.00 Regular Price ₹392.00
  10. Citizen Of The Globe - Statement Golden Neckpiece With Anti-Tarnish Coating
    Express Delivery
  11. Frozen Forest- Silver and Blue Beads Necklace
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    Frozen Forest- Silver and Blue Beads Necklace
    Special Price ₹98.00 Regular Price ₹399.00
  12. The Sprinting Spongebob- Golden Embellished Necklace With Anti-Tarnish Coating
    Express Delivery

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