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  1. Colour Green
  2. Price ₹1,400.00 - ₹1,499.99
  3. Embellishment Type Embroidery
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10 Items

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  1. Vashikrit - The Hypnotic Tiers - Mirror, Stones, Coins And Glass Drops Hand Embroidered Oxidised Choker Neckpiece
  2. Vividhruma - Colorful Blossoms - Stones, Beads And Resham Hand Embroidered Neckpiece
  3. Aparnavara - The Shoreline Glow - Sequins, Beads And Marble Drops Hand Embroidered Neckpiece
  4. Sarvari - The Starry Night - Beads, Sequins And Cutdana Hand  Embroidered Choker Neckpiece
  5. Himahati- The First Snow- Shells, Beads And Glass Drops Hand Embroidered Choker Neckpiece
  6. Mrigarsukt - The Hymns Of Flowers  - Resham, Coins And Beads Hand Embroidered Oxidised Choker Neckpiece
  7. Pradavya - The Goddess Glamour - Stones, Beads And Pearls Hand Embroidered Neckpiece
  8. Nalikini - The Emerald Bloom - Stone, Beads And Pearl Drops Hand Embroidered Neckpiece
  9. Saikhina - The Drizzling Dance - Glass Beads And Coins Hand Embroidered Oxidised Neckpiece
  10. Varnaih - The Shades Of Life - Mirror, Beads And Coins Hand Embroidered Oxidised Neckpiece

10 Items

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