The Desi Girl Collection

12 Items

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  1. Vashikrit - The Hypnotic Tiers - Mirror, Stones, Coins And Glass Drops Hand Embroidered Oxidised Choker Neckpiece
  2. Haridhumra- The Amber Chestnut - Stones, Beads, Coins And Glass Drops Hand Embroidered Oxidised Neckpiece
  3. Gaaniya - The Musical Coast - Shells, Coins, Beads And Glass Drops Hand Embroidered Oxidised Choker Neckpiece
  4. Shubhsanyut - The Blissful Downpour -  Stones, Beads And Coins Hand Embroidered Choker Neckpiece
  5. Mrigarsukt - The Hymns Of Flowers  - Resham, Coins And Beads Hand Embroidered Oxidised Choker Neckpiece
  6. Sheetbhanviye - The Lunar Celebrations - Shells, Mirrors, Resham And Glass Drops Hand Embroidered Oxidised Neckpiece
  7. Prageet - Song Of The Hearts - Resham, Dabka, Beads And Coins Hand Embroidered Oxidised Choker Neckpiece
  8. Sumanas - The Burgundy Flowers - Mirror, Resham, Dabka And Glass Drops Hand Embroidered Oxidised Choker Neckpiece
  9. Bhramaparna - The Spell Of Stones - Stones, Mirror, Coins And Glass Drops Hand Embroidered Oxidised Choker Neckpiece
  10. Ambuvasini - The Angel's Flower - Mirror, Resham And Beads Hand Embroidered Oxidised Earrings
  11. Hrdayanuga - Sound Of The Heart - Beads, Mirror And Glass Drops Hand Embroidered Oxidised Earrings
  12. Abherī - The Melodic Dance - Resham And Beads Hand Embroidered Oxidised Earrings

12 Items

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